Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Welcome to Blushing Beauty

        With a sense of fear and excitement I have eagerly decided to begin my beauty blog - Blushing Beauty. As your everyday, twenty-something year old girl I hold the desire that Blushing Beauty will become a go-to blog for girls on a budget, seeking beauty tips and tricks. Now lets face it, I'm not a beauty know it all, nor am I some amazing beauty guru with all the connections to the latest and greatest style figures. I'm just me! Bella... a curious, beauty addict who loves discovering make-up and fashion ideas. Through trial and error I have developed a passion for everything beauty related and it has in some ways become an escape from the everyday pressures of university, work and everything in between. So I welcome you all on what I hope will be an exciting adventure.
- from: a nervous and blushing beauty Xx  

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